Cultivating Oyster Mushrooms with Erin Hamilton: June 2022 Live Interactive Mushroom Growing Lessons - The Mushroom Conservatory

Cultivating Oyster Mushrooms with Erin Hamilton: June 2022 Live Interactive Mushroom Growing Lessons

Mushroom Growing has long been a somewhat mysterious process, with a notorious amount of gatekeeping in the mycology community by way of overcomplicating the steps involved in a way that often causes people to give up before they start, and my mission is to make it accessible, exciting and quite literally, down to earth. I want to empower people with clear, attainable steps to growing their own mushrooms at home.

Growing mushrooms requires a series of small steps, but they are scattered over time, so an in-person class experience is not the best option, as you can’t ask a person to come over several times over the course of two months to do steps that take five to ten minutes each.

During our six-week workshop, we will meet biweekly on Zoom to work on growing oyster mushrooms together and discover the many possibilities hidden in mushrooms. Whether it’s health benefits, delicious food, or the potential to benefit our ecosystem, mushrooms have immense potential, and we are still at the beginning of discovering what mushrooms can do. My vision is to inspire a generation of people to carry the torch so that they can unlock their true potential by sharing the excitement and knowledge needed to dive into those mysteries.

To help those who are truly interested in growing their own mushrooms, we’ve created a program that teaches how to grow mushrooms in your home, while also exploring the intriguing world of fungi, exploring the many possibilities that kingdom fungi holds for us.

The workshop ticket is $55 and includes an oyster mushroom growing kit that will be mailed to you one week before the first session. Kits include enough mushroom culture for several harvests of oyster mushrooms, and the workshop will show you how to grow them from a bag of rice and from a bucket (or laundry basket) of straw or newspaper. No special equipment is required, and all you need is a few basic household items like paper bandage tape, a spray bottle, and scissors.

There will be a moderated Q&A time at the end of each session to ensure that all participants have all of the information they need to be successful with mushroom growing, and a video of each session will be available for download afterward so that you can review the steps if necessary.

This is a biweekly workshop that is done in three sessions. It is a family-friendly project and you’re welcome to have as many people as you can fit in front of your computer participate. Additional growing kits are available for $25/each (the kit included with your workshop pass includes enough culture for two people to do both growing methods)

Dates and times are as follows:
June 11 @ 11am
June 25 @ 11am
July 9  @ 11am

Please register by May 5th to ensure that your kit arrives in time for the first session! Later registration is fine too and kits will be shipped out right away, but please be aware that if you register after the 5th, there is a slight chance you’ll not get your kit in time. In the event of a late registration where your kit doesn’t arrive until just after the first session, we will be taping each session you will be able to re-watch/re-view a video of each segment at your leisure so that you don’t miss a beat!

– You’ll receive your official Mushroom Conservatory growing kit with oyster mushroom cultures in the mail a few days before the first session!
– Access to VIP Telegram Channel
– Participate in a live moderated Q&A format at the end of each session

11:00 am - 11:25 am Zoom

Mycelium & You: Supporting your mind, body & spirit through growing mushrooms

We'll start out with an overview of the huge possibilities in oyster mushrooms, how they can improve your quality of life and the world around us, and explore some of the amazing things that you can do with them not only in the kitchen, but in restoring our ecosystem and we'll take a look at some of the fascinating ways people are discovering to fuse mycology with technology.

11:25 am - 11:35 am

Creating a clean space to begin growing your mushrooms

We'll go over the process of properly setting up your workspace in preparation for inoculating your grain to grow your mushrooms. Avoiding contamination is key to a successful growing experience, and a few simple tricks can go a long way.

11:35 am - 11:50 am

Inoculation Time!

This is the exciting part where we'll kick off the process of growing your mushrooms! We'll use the liquid culture in your kit to inoculate your grain, and we'll set the bags up for proper gas exchange to allow them air to breathe as they colonize.

11:50 am - 12:00 pm

Live Q&A Session

To wrap things up for the morning, we'll do an interactive moderated q&a session to cover any questions you may have about the process of growing, or about anything else we've talked about.

11:00 am - 11:15 am

Oh, the places you'll grow!

An overview of some of the things that oyster mushrooms are capable of growing on and some of the fascinating techniques that people are using to make it happen.

11:15 am - 11:25 am

Putting your colonized mycelium into fruiting conditions

We'll be taking one of the colonized bags of rice that you inoculated during the last session and putting it into optimal fruiting conditions so that your mushrooms can grow!

11:25 am - 11:50 am

Using grain spawn to start a bucket (or basket) of mushrooms

We'll set up a basket or bucket (whatever you have on hand!) and use the other bag of rice that you inoculated to grow a larger bunch of mushrooms with multiple harvests over time!

11:50 am - 12:00 pm

Live Q&A Session

To wrap things up for the morning, we'll do an interactive moderated q&a session to cover any questions you may have about the process of growing, or about anything else we've talked about.

11:00 am - 11:15 am

Musical Mushrooms, Creative Feasts and Preserving what you've grown

We'll explore some of the wonderful, weird and wild things you can do with your fully-grown mushrooms.

11:20 am - 11:30 am

how to harvest your mushrooms

We'll check our mushrooms to see if they're ready to harvest and go over the best ways to harvest them and I'll show you how to re-hydrate your mycelium to get another harvest out of it!

11:30 am - 11:45 am

Collecting Spore Prints

Spore prints are both beautiful and functional. You can use them decoratively, or you can use them to grow more mushrooms down the road. We'll go over the how-to and take spore prints of our freshly harvested mushrooms!

11:45 am - 12:00 pm

Live Q&A Session & Final Wrap Up

To wrap things up for the morning, we'll do an interactive moderated q&a session to cover any questions you may have about the process of growing, or about anything else we've talked about.

  • Date : June 11, 2022 - July 9, 2022
  • Time : 11:00 am - 12:00 pm (America/Detroit)