Lions Mane Mushroom Growing Kit

Lions Mane mushrooms taste like Crab and are gaining attention for their potential health benefit. You can enjoy them in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries to soups. Our lions mane mushroom growing kit helps you grow mushrooms at home using brown rice and optionally, a bucket of straw or coffee grounds. No specialized equipment needed! Each set includes detailed instructions, your mushroom culture, and a fungi word search. A good project for plant lovers, nature study, or just because plants are beautiful and interesting. And they’re great for cooking with/eating or just looking at if you’re the non-mushroom-eating type. People of any age can grow lions mane mushrooms indoors or outdoors. You will need brown rice, rubbing alcohol, and paper bandage tape. To grow larger buckets of mushrooms instead of small bags, we recommend using straw or aspen chips. Enough culture in each kit to start 5 bags or 5 buckets of Lions Mane mushrooms. No special equipment needed!
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Lion’s mane is a mushroom called Hericium Erinaceus. You can eat it and it has an amazing flavor and texture similar to crab. You can find this plant in North America, Europe, and Asia.

You can find this plant in North America, Europe, and Asia. It has long spines, measuring over 1 cm or 1⁄2 inch. The plant grows on hardwoods and typically has a bunch of hanging spines. You can harvest the fruit bodies for culinary use.

H. erinaceus can be mistaken for other species of Hericium, which grow across the same range. In the wild, these mushrooms are common during late summer and fall on hardwoods, particularly American beech and maple. People usually consider H. erinaceus saprophytic because it mostly feeds on dead trees.

If you’re interested in mushroom cultivation and would like to grow a different kind of mushroom, take a look at our other mushroom grow kits. We offer a variety of options to choose from. You can grow them alongside your lions mane kit. Click here to explore our mushroom grow kit collection and find the perfect kit for your needs.


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Weight 3 oz
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