• Mushroom Experts Uniting the World With Fungi

    Mushroom Experts Uniting the World With Fungi

    Meet some of today’s top mushroom experts that are working tirelessly to share the wonder of kingdom fungi with the world.

  • Where to get Free Coffee Grounds for Growing Mushrooms

    Where to get Free Coffee Grounds for Growing Mushrooms

    Starbucks has a wonderful program called Grounds for Your Garden where they give away their coffee grounds for free to use for growing your own mushrooms or composting for your garden.

  • Mushroom History: George Washington Carver

    Mushroom History: George Washington Carver

    George Washington Carver, born around 1864, was a prominent American agricultural scientist and inventor, particularly known for his work with alternative crops like peanuts and sweet potatoes. However, his contributions to mycology, the study of fungi, are less widely known but equally significant.

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