The Mushroom Conservatory

Curious About Mushroom Culture?

If you’re wondering how to go about using liquid mushroom culture, there are a million ways to use liquid culture for growing mushrooms and we’re glad to help point you in the right direction! You can use liquid culture to make grain spawn, mushroom plugs and more.

Check out Erin’s recent article in Mother Earth News on How to Make Your Own Plug Spawn! >>>

What is Mushroom Culture?

Mushroom culture is living mushroom tissue that’s been grown in a broth of nutrient (usually honey or light malt extract and water) in sterile conditions. It has a gel-like appearance and comes in a syringe; in color, it can appear to be clear, gold or brown depending on the type of mushroom and what sterilization methods and nutrient was used. this is used for many different mushroom growing methods to start grain spawn, splug spawn and sawdust spawn for growing all kinds of mushrooms.

Always remember that different kinds of mushrooms prefer different types of substrate (material for growing on) so make sure that you’re following appropriate methods for the type of mushrooms you’re growing – some mushrooms prefer straw, others hardwood, and some even prefer compost.

Check out our spreadsheet of suggested types of wood to choose for making plug spawn, mushroom logs or mushroom totems here:

Spreadsheet: What kind of wood to use for growing mushrooms

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How long do mushrooms take to grow?

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Boost the humidity!

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Make a Still Air Box

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