The Mushroom Conservatory

Hey! Thanks for signing up for updates from The Mushroom Conservatory, I’m glad to have you along for the adventure. Sometimes I write a lot, and sometimes I just write a little. It depends on the occasion and what’s happening in any given week. I think this rings true to the very nature of mushrooms in their ebb and flow of growth. My hope is to share with you the grand universe hidden in kingdom fungi and help you to explore what it has to offer.
– Erin

How long do mushrooms take to grow?

Different varieties and techniques can vary a great deal in how long it can take for your mushrooms to be ready to harvest. Oyster mushrooms take about two weeks to prepare grain spawn for, and another 2 weeks for a small harvest straight out of the grain spawn, or...

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Boost the humidity!

If you’re running into slow colonization or harvesting tiny mushrooms, low humidity may be the culprit. Here are a few thoughts on combatting low humidity when you’re growing mushrooms!

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Make a Still Air Box

If you’ve struggled with contamination but aren’t ready to invest in lab-grade equipment, a still air box can be a great solution for making a little clean box for working with your cultures.

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